Book Review: Are You Sleeping

Are You Sleeping

by: Kathleen Barber

Publication Date: August 1, 2017 *upcoming*
Finished on: July 3, 2017

This novel was advertised as a mix of the podcast Serial and the thriller In a Dark, Dark Wood.  Are You Sleeping introduces Josie's, a woman who has reinvented herself after her father's murder that occurred when she was a child.  It is now 10 years later, she lives in New York and has changed her name and her identity.  She (mistakenly) assumes that she has left her past behind her.  Then, a new hit podcast starts exploring her father's murder, suspecting that the man who is behind bars is innocent.  Josie and her twin sister Lanie are thrown back into the investigation, whether they like it or not.  Who did kill Josie's father?  What really happened that night?  And who has known about it?  This suspenseful novel explores these questions.  

My review:
I was a HUGE fan of Serial, so it’s not surprising that I loved the concept of this book.  Sections from the podcast are interspersed with the narrative of the story.  Our narrators are not the most reliable, since they were children when the murder occurred and Josie was asleep for the entire episode.  Personally, I really enjoyed this novel and flew through it.  I read most of it on an airplane ride and then was sneaking time away from my family to finish it up over the next couple of days.  While the story isn’t necessarily unique (and its somewhat easy to guess “who did it” early on), I still really enjoyed this one!

Overall, I rate this 4/5 stars.  Short synopsis of review.

I received a free e-copy of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.  I highly recommend this book for suspense lovers.


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